Falsk maknadsföring så det skriker om det.
Här är jag, i Amerikat, landet på andra sidan Atlanten, landet där man tycker det borde finnas äkta amerikansk hamburgerdressing. Men icke sa nicke. Snopet värre.
Där går jag på Walmart och försöker shoppa ingredienter till de hemmagjorda burgarna vi ska göra på kvällen, och jag har allt. Burgarna, brödet, tomater, ost, sallad, pickles, avocado, senap, you name it. Bara en sak fattas mej. Dressingen. Jag går igenom hyllorna från höger till vänster, upp och ner, men hittar inget som faller mej i smaken.
Frågar en av upp-plockarna var jag kan hitta hamburgerdressing. Han tittar lite skumt på mej, men vill ändå försöka hjälpa, så han drar iväg mej till oändliga sorter av majonäs. Majonäs? Nej, det var inte riktigt det. Hamburgerdressing liksom.
Jaha, tycker han. Kliar sig på skallen och tittar verkligen förundrat på mej.
Måste vara accenten tänkte jag, han funderar på varifrån jag egentligen kommer.
Nästa, och sista, stoppet blir salladsdressingarna. Men det var ju inte heller rätt... jag tackar iallafall grabben för hjälpen och slopar lomörat ut till bilen.
Väl hemma så ställer jag frågan var de gömmer hamburgerdressingen i det här landet. Va? Vi använder inte dressing på våra hamburgare, det finns inte. Inte någonstans.
Men findus då, eller felix, eller vem det nu än är, de marknadsför ju sin ÄKTA amerikanska hamburgerdressing. Men om det då inte finns sån i det här landet, hur äkta är den då egentligen?
Jag känner mej lurad, nåt så totalt.
a perfect student
That is what they (people) called me. I was a 4.0. All A's.
A perfect student.
That sounds great huh. To be perfect. The one and only time
that ever happens.
that ever happens.
The only thing in my life that I want to be perfect actually.
Perfect is slightly boring otherwise.
I like the imperfections of life.
more exciting.
more real.
No matter how much imperfections make life entertaining,
I still want to be a perfect student.
and I am.
Finals went well.
All grades are in.
One down, three to go!
I did it. I really did it. Thought for sure I was close to a B in my earthscience class, BUT I did good on the final (with some help from the teacher since he curved the exam and added some points which gave me a 100%). Ended up with a 94% in the class and an A, no doubt about it.
So one down, three to go.
Two tomorrow. I am a wee bit nervous about it, because after my calculations I seem to be doing good in the classes, but you never know... what if I completely get a brain fart at the final and mess it all up... oh well, I guess I'll see huh.
Two tomorrow, one portfolio, submit all my online stuff and then Im DONE. School's out for winter!
After that I don't really know what to do with my days, I will have all the time in the world to do things!
Finally, I can go outside and experience the beauty of the world we live in.
HC 101
I went to the hairdresser today with the intention of only chop, maybe 1 inch off... -didn't happen.
Instead the lady took me through a tour of what she called HairCare 101. I got a lecture on how to treat my long hair and what to do so I can save it and get it longer without having it brittle at the ends.
1. When towel drying hair only pat
2. Apply shampoo at scalp only and let it rinse through rest of the hair.
3. Apply conditioner from the bottom upwards
4. Never use a brush (ooops)
5. When combing it out, always carefully work your way from the bottom and up
6. After showering, apply a small amount of conditioner on the ends and leave it in
Wow... I have for sure never taken care of my hair, but from now on I'll try.
oh, and she chopped 3 inches off! THREE! hmpf, now it feels short again. But she told me that if I follow her advice I'll be able to save my hair and have it look heatlhy, AND only cut an inch twice a year.... That would be awesome!
To enjoy my new haircut (which I don't really like because it's too short!) I am going brunette again... eagerly (kinda scared) waiting for the result...
Instead the lady took me through a tour of what she called HairCare 101. I got a lecture on how to treat my long hair and what to do so I can save it and get it longer without having it brittle at the ends.
1. When towel drying hair only pat
2. Apply shampoo at scalp only and let it rinse through rest of the hair.
3. Apply conditioner from the bottom upwards
4. Never use a brush (ooops)
5. When combing it out, always carefully work your way from the bottom and up
6. After showering, apply a small amount of conditioner on the ends and leave it in
Wow... I have for sure never taken care of my hair, but from now on I'll try.
oh, and she chopped 3 inches off! THREE! hmpf, now it feels short again. But she told me that if I follow her advice I'll be able to save my hair and have it look heatlhy, AND only cut an inch twice a year.... That would be awesome!
To enjoy my new haircut (which I don't really like because it's too short!) I am going brunette again... eagerly (kinda scared) waiting for the result...
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