
Reality likes to abruptly slap you in the face

I don't know how to start this blog. It has been a weird day.
Everything started out so beautifully. I was loading up on Vitamin D biking to and from class and enjoyed the beaming sun while I was out reading, and getting a tan! (yeah, it's not all that much to brag about, but I could easily see the difference on my shoulder)
Life was a game the first half of the day. As if nothing bad ever could happen.

How abrupt reality always slaps you in the face...

I get a phone call in my lazy dazy state of being that totally shook my world upside down.
One of my friends, and fellow throwermate, was in a car accident. He was hit while on his bike.
I rush to the track (on my bike, very carefully) to find his bike on the road, his back pack and shoes. It looks like someone placed them there, like a perfect picture from a crime scene or something. I don't know, but it didn't look right. Nothing was right. He was taken to the hospital, and we couldn't do anything but wait. Wait to know how he's doing. I hate waiting.

Reality sure dawned on us. We are pretty helpless when it comes down to it. There is nothing we can do, except wait and transmit our thoughts to his mind, like telepathy. Im hoping that our good and smiley thoughts will be contageous and give him a big smile in his mind. :)

Life is pretty vulnerable, we better enjoy it when it's given to us.

[Oj! Det ar laskigt hur saker och ting hander... Precis samma stalle som jag cyklade in i en bil pa var det idag en olycka. Min kompis, och kastarpolare, blev pakord av en bil. Hans krock var bra mycket varre an min. Han flog av cykeln och blev kord till sjukhus medvetslos... enligt de senaste rapporten jag fick sa mar han ok. Han hade bra tur. Inga blodningar i hjarnan, och bara en fraktur i kindbenet och hjarnskakning. Men han ar vid medvetande och hans far ar utflugen hit sa han far ha sin familj hos sig. Just nu ser allting bra ut och jag hoppas verkligen att det stannar sa. Vi var radda och oroliga. Visste inte vad vi skulle tanka och kanna nar vi inte visste nagot. Det enda vi visste var att vi sag cykeln som lag pa vagen. Och hans vaska. Och hans skor. Och bilen som han blev pakord av hade en stor buckla. Och tjejen som korde satt pa marken och grat. Polisen ville inte ge ut nagon information. Vi anade saklart det varsta. Det var en stor utandning nar vi fick veta att han var vid medvetande igen och att hans hjarna ar hel och frisk. Forhoppnigsvis kommer han vara pa benen snart igen.]

2 kommentarer:

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Mikaela sa...

Thank you, unfortunately my brief knowledge in Spanish isn't enough for me to understand most of your blog....